by thstudio | Dec 2, 2019 | All, Growing Calendar, Tips
Winter frost As we approach the shortest day of the year in December you will need work to keep you warm outside, such as digging and tree pruning. Check your winter protection and if you have a greenhouse make sure the heater is working. Hopefully there are not too...
by thstudio | Oct 30, 2019 | All, Growing Calendar, Tips
Winter is on its way Leaves are falling rapidly, and wind and rain are on the increase. Tender plants will need protecting from frost, gales and freezing rains. Move plants into the greenhouse, or into a sheltered spot, but if you can’t, it is worth wrapping plants or...
by thstudio | Oct 18, 2019 | All, Growing Calendar, Tips
The autumn chill sets in Although we had some warmer days over September, the autumn is now definitely here for real, and it feels colder. It’s a beautiful time of year, with the trees changing colour. Sometimes it may seem pointless raking, when the wind blows even...
by thstudio | Sep 11, 2019 | All, Growing Calendar, Tips
Sowing in September – As the ground cools there are fewer options with regards to planting. However, you can still plant winter cabbages, spring cabbages, winter spinach, spring cabbage and White Lisbon spring onions to be picked in spring. Harvesting the last of your...
by thstudio | Aug 29, 2019 | All, Growing Calendar, Tips
Late summer progresses into autumn September is generally a cooler, gustier month than August and the days are noticeably shorter. While there’s not as much to do in the ornamental garden at this time of the year, if you have a fruit or vegetable patch, you’ll be busy...
by thstudio | Aug 14, 2019 | All, Growing Calendar, Tips
There is still planting/sowing to do – You can still plant new crops at this time of year. Spring bulbs such as Japanese Onions can be sown directly into the soil now and can be left until spring when they can be harvested. For a spring harvest, cabbages and broccoli...
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